26 January 2021


 As I've mentioned in every post since March, the Covid-19 virus has really changed all of our lives.  While the Twins are still learning from home & we are taking every precaution to be safe... we NEEDED to get some sort of normalcy back in our lives.  

The beginning of December included school, although still from home (including art & fun Christmas themed days & pajama day), work, a little baking some Christmas time favorites & finishing touches on our Christmas decor.  Rich & I even spent one full day delivering Christmas gifts to my clients and stopped for a yummy lunch at my ol' high school hang out, Zitos.

Me & one of my favorite ladies decided to host our very first Christmas Favorite Things Ladies Party.  Each lady brought 3 of their most favorite things and we did a gift exchange. We served a brunch charcuterie board, LOTS of mimosas from our "Pimp Your Prosecco" bar. It was a nice, relaxing morning of friends & laughs.  I'm hoping we get to do it again next year.

The very next day I attended Nicole Wagner's Annual Cookie Exchange.  I made a new cookie this year & Jett & Delilah helped. We all decided after testing a few that they turned out super yummy! As usual, Nicole outdid herself & hosted an amazing Sunday of good cheer.
Decorating gingerbread houses is a favorite tradition that we all look forward to each Christmas Season.  We had two fun-filled get togethers to sharpen our skills.  
The first was with the Strottner's and Clarence, Milo & Brisa.  We ate dinner, the kids played, the adults did some catching up & then all of the kiddos sat down to work on their own gingerbread house.  They all turned out so good!
The second gingerbread house deco day was also a birthday for one of the Twins friends, Henley Lewis. The old Mother's Day Out gang (plus the Moms & Mimosas group) got together to celebrate this special girl.  They played outside, ate pizza and worked so hard on their cookie creations.  Meanwhile me, Jessica & Sylvia had a past-due catch up session over some wine.  It was so great to be able to see everyone.
Jett & Delilah's yearly school photos came in & I was completely taken aback!  They are just growing up so very fast right before my eyes.  So beautiful & so handsome.  Inside & out!

There's another little guy that's growing up so fast.  Diesel is now 7 months old and so stinking cute!  And that's a good thing... it's the only reason he's still around.  Whew... puppy's are tough!
I planned a super special night for Jett & Delilah, to go see the play, The Nutcracker.  First we went to dinner in New Braunfels at Muck & Fuss & then went on to the play.  We were able to watch our friends & neighbors, Hunter, Hudson & Holly dance & do their thing.  They did a phenomenol job & we had a memorable & fun evening.

Arlon Seay ES teachers organized a Christmas parade drive-thru.  Each grade level had a different winter/holiday scene and all of the cars drove through.  It was so cute!
We absolutely love Christmas cookie decorating day!  We iced & put little candies on both gingerbread cookies & sugar cookies.  We even had a little helper come over... Hadley Bivens did a fantastic job and we enjoyed her and Mommy & Daddy's company.
One tradition that we just flat out refused to by-pass, pandemic or not, is our annual trip to see the  Christmas lights in Johnson City.  The Strottner's and Clarence, Milo, Brisa & Mike Fox (an old friend from Indiana) joined us.  We stopped first in Blanco to check out a couple of antique stores and then went to have dinner in Johnson City.  We followed dinner with a walk under the magnificent lights.
Our Mickey the Elf was veeeery busy this month.  He went all over the house bringing joy & excitement every morning.
Christmas Eve was all about close friends & family getting together for such a very special date.  We laughed, played the saran wrap ball game, ate, drank Irish coffees & spent the evening surrounded by people we care so very much about.  At the end of the evening we played a mean game of Dominoes & then let the cousins exchange gifts.

After everyone left for the evening it was time to clean up & get ready for Santa's much anticipated visit.  We left cookies & milk for the big fella & carrots for his reindeer.  On Christmas Eve it's the night that Mickey the Elf leaves to go home.  But, he left the sweetest note for Jett & Delilah.
Christmas morning came in what felt like 30 minutes after we laid our heads down on our pillows. It's always so magical to hear Jett & Delilah's footsteps coming around the corner & listen to them gasp with amazement at the surprises that Santa left behind.  Then, they tip toe into our room to rush us out of bed to join them.  Rich had to head off to the station so we didn't get a chance to open all of our family gifts.  But, we opened all that time would allow for & then hugged Daddy's neck as he left for work.  Grandy came over to visit me, Jett & Delilah for a little while & then the 3 of us spent a relaxing afternoon & evening playing with their toys and snacking on left overs.
Having a Daddy that has to be at the firestation on Christmas Day DOES have an upside... We get to celebrate Christmas Day a second time.  Once Rich got home we didn't waste any time before ripping into the remainder of our gifts.  The afternoon sped by and then we sat down to an amazing dinner of steak, chicken, salad & wine.
We made big plans to spend the end of 2020 doing what we love... camping!  After all, we are ALL very happy to see this oh, so tough year in the rear view mirror.  We made reservations at The Leisure Resort, on the San Marcos River.  We set up camp & had a good 24 hours of basking in the glow of tall trees, a cool river & bunches of leaves.  Then, Delilah started feeling sick.  Bless her heart... things didn't improve.  So, on the morning of 12/31 Rich decided it was best to take her home so that she could be comfortable.  Meanwhile, Jett & I stayed back with the Strottner's & tried to enjoy nature.  It was super cold at midnight so we rang in the New Year with Daddy on Facetime.  On the very first day of 2021 The Strottner's & Jett & I hung around, took some walks & toasted with a little Prosecco & sparkling juice.  We went to dinner that evening at a yummy BBQ spot and then relaxed around the fire.  Rich & Delilah came to get us & the trailer on January 2nd & we headed home to begin a brand new year.

Finally, some random photos from December...

Well, that's it!  That is the story how the Anderson's, along with some wonderful friends & family, spent 9 months during a pandemic... Covid-19, also known as the Corona virus.  There are many things that were tough about 2020 BUT I didn't hate it.  The Twins stayed home & learned from home; I realized what some of my weaknesses & strengths are; we brought home a new fur-baby, Diesel; and grew closer as a family.  I will forever be grateful and even cherish the good... no, the great things that came out of this past year.  With that being said... bring on a new year!  a better year!  A brighter year filled with more family, friends, parties, laughter & all of the things that we sacrificed in 2020.


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