27 June 2023

May 2023: Buh-Bye 6th Grade!

 May 2023:

The busy month of May started out with a little girls-night-out for me and some neighborhood gals.  Always so much fun with lots of wine & laughs!

Spring ball continues with lots of baseball & softball practices and games.  No place I'd rather be!
My sweet girl was rewarded for her good grades, positive attitude and overall kindness!  Delilah was recognized as Wrangler of The Week!  Congratulations, baby girl!
How the Anderson's celebrate Cinco De Mayo.  Cocktails, cocktails & goofing around.
After the batting cages one Saturday afternoon, we decided to go for ice cream.  Fun afternoon with a sweet friend.
More friend sleep over fun!  Delilah went to Lily's & Jett stayed the night with Carter.
Mother's Day was celebrated with Clarence & his family and also the Handke's.  The kiddos swam, we shared cocktails & chatted and then we ended the day icing some cookies & spending some time as a family.  I'm definitely a blessed Momma!
Another sleep over for Delilah to cousin Brisa's house.  Sometimes, after their sleep overs, I'm legitimately worried that she won't want to come home.
More softball followed up with some yummy pizza.  I sponsored both kids teams this year, so I thought a pizza dinner would be the perfect ending to a late & busy night.
In between work & running kids around I always try to do my part and volunteer where I can.  I had such a great afternoon helping out at The Twins school, at their end of year parties.  I lucked out and was put in the cafeteria where the kids were playing BINGO!
The Angels went ALL THE WAY!! Each girl took home a ring and trophy for being #1, in all of BLL!  Great job, ladies!  We are so proud of Delilah, and all of her growth!  
I guess we just can't get enough of having out at the ballfields because the very next night, we were back up there cheering on Dylan and his Team!
And then we had that sweet boy over for a sleep over!  They swam, played video games & my fave... Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza!  Such a fun card game BUT ya better watch out... the claws come out if ya get in my way!!
End of year gifts for special teachers & officer Serna:
There is truly nothing that my little girl can't do, when she puts her mind to it!  Delilah decided to take Theater as one of her electives.  At the end of the year her class put on THE cutest play! We totally enjoyed watching her up on stage, doing her thing.  She REALLY is a natural!
When we picked up the SBMS Year Books, I was tickled pink to see that both of the kids were included several times! Such cuties!!
The entire Anderson family was sooo excited about the end of the school year & for Summer break to begin!  On the last day of school we had plans to pick up Jett & Delilah early from school, immediately after their last final.  We decorated the truck, inside & out, with shoe polish, balloons & other decor.  I also surprised them with a couple of treats.  As soon as we picked them up, we headed down to the Pearl, where we had a snack & some drinks & perused a couple of stores.  We walked along the River, chatting with our special babies, & enjoying every second of this free time.  From there, we went to Tony Andretti's to race cars & play games!  It was so fun & we certainly worked up an appetite where we finished off the day with dinner!
Our precious pup & favorite boy, Diesel, celebrated his 3rd birthday!  He got bunches of extra love plus a little doggie-cookie!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BUDDY!
Aaaand, more friend sleep over fun.  This time, Delilah's sweet friend, since Mother's Day Out (3 years old), Henley, made her first, big debut, at spending the night away from home.  Needless to say, the girls giggled all night long & they had a blast!
We ended the month with LOTS of softball... Delilah's softball Team when on to compete in the City tournament.  They are all such amazing girls & ultimately came in 2nd.  So many amazing friends & family members came out to support Delilah & cheer her on.  I know I say this a lot... but, my family is truly blessed!  What a ride this softball life as been!  Delilah has now aged out of Little League so her softball days just MIGHT be over.  She says she wants to try out for softball team for the middle school, so I guess we will see.

Whew!  What a month!  Here's a few extra pictures from the month: