17 September 2012


 September has really started off with a bang!  It seems we have been going 90 to nothing... For my 44th birthday I wanted to go visit Dad, in Galveston.  So, once again, we loaded up the Anderson "battle-wagon" & headed South.  We were barely there 24 hours when I landed in the Urgent Care Center of Galveston with an Upper Respiratory Infection.  It really threw me for a loop so we didn't get to do quite as much "fun stuff" as we had hoped. But, I think Jett & Delilah still had a great time visiting with their Grandaddy.  They got play on the deck & swing; we took them up to the Bayou Vista Fire Department; Jett got to play in the sand at the beach with Daddy (Delilah stayed home with me); they played in their little swimming pool; we fed the seagulls & played with Dad's little dog, Snoopy-girl.


We had our first turn of "cooler" weather the second week in September.  Which makes for a PERFECT day at the park.  It's been quite some time since we had taken the Twins to the park... Boy, what a difference a matter of months can make.  They were aaaaalllll over the place.  Delilah's favorite thing is still the slide & Jett just enjoys everything, running from one thing to another.  It was such a nice day:)

Now that the weather is tolerable it's been nice to get back to taking our walks around the neighborhood.  The kiddos just love riding in their wagon... although it seems they enjoy "lounging" while I lug them around. (I can't seem to get this picture to turn properly... but, it was just too cute not to include:)

San Antonio finally got some MUCH needed rain.  We have been in the midst of one of the worst drouts in years so it was refreshing to just watch it pour down!!  But, it was MORE fun watching my babies play in it!!  Grandy & Grandpa came over to join in the fun...

In preparation for Jett & Delilah's 2nd birthday party and Family pictures right around the corner, it was time to get their hair cut, again.  They did AWESOME!!  Well, with the help of a lollipop & Elmo on the monitors everything went just fine... And, don't they look so beautiful & handsome?!

I know I keep saying this... but, time just seems to fly by these days.  Every day holds some new milestone, word or accomplishment for our little Miracles.  My next post will be after their 2nd birthday.  Wow... hard to believe that's even possible. 

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